Phase 2 Dapp Incentives

Phase 2 is split between Blast Points and Blast Gold. Blast Points are distributed automatically every block to EOA wallets and smart contracts based on their balance of ETH, WETH, and USDB. Blast Gold is distributed manually to Dapps by the Blast Foundation. The purpose of Points is to reward liquidity on Blast, and the purpose of Gold is to be used as incentive firepower that Blast Dapps can use for growth.

Dapps should programmatically transfer Points and Gold to their users via the Blast Points API.

Blast PointsBlast Gold
PurposeReward liquidityIncentives for Dapp growth
RecipientsEOAs, Smart ContractsSmart Contracts
DistributionEvery block, automaticMonthly, manual
CriteriaBased on balanceBased on traction, Blast-native features
Allocation50% of Phase 250% of Phase 2
RedemptionJune 2025June 2025

Blast Points

Blast Points accrue automatically every block on both EOAs and smart contracts based on their ETH, WETH, USDB, and BLAST (2x Points) balances as demonstrated below:

For ETH and WETH balances, Points are earned at a constant rate of 0.06504987 points/block per ETH or around 0.03252493376 points/second/ETH.

// Constant points earned per block per 1 ETH held
ETH_POINTS_PER_BLOCK = 0.06504987;

// Example
myEthTvl = 5;
myPointsEarnedPerBlock = ethTvl * ETH_POINTS_PER_BLOCK; // 0.32524935

Since users stop earning Points when they deposit funds into a smart contract, there is a slight disincentive for that user to use that smart contract. In order to remove that disincentive, smart contracts can redirect those Points back to their users according to their own internal metrics. This will automatically update the user’s Points dashboard.

Smart contracts should track their user’s balances over time (onchain or offchain) in order to distribute the user’s pro rata share of Points accurately.

Smart contracts can also transfer their Points to other smart contracts. This is useful in cases like dexes, where LP positions may be deposited into other protocols.

Blast Points must be redistributed back to users pro rata based on their deposits. Attempts, deliberate or not, to create liquid proxies to Blast Points (ie an erc20 backed by Blast Points) will result in rewards being zero’d out.

Blast Gold


Blast Gold is distributed manually to smart contracts over time (every month). An announcement from the @Blast 𝕏 account will be made every time Gold is distributed.

The purpose of Gold is to reward Dapps in a meritocratic way. Dapps don’t need to have strong connections or be good at BD to get Gold. Dapps that build something valuable for the Blast ecosystem will be rewarded.

Blast Gold is meant to be used as incentives for dapp growth. Attempts, deliberate or not, to create liquid proxies to Blast Gold (ie an erc20 backed by Blast Points) will result in rewards being zero’d out.

Dapps who rug or in general who act nefariously in any way may have their Points and Gold zero’d out.


More details on the Phase 2 Gold distribution will be shared in the upcoming days.