The Graph

The Graph is an indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible with GraphQL.

Blast dapps can use GraphQL to query open APIs called subgraphs, to retrieve data that is indexed on the network.

Learn how to use The Graph via their documentation or this quickstart.

Supported Networks

  • Blast Mainnet
  • Blast Sepolia (Testnet)


Goldsky offers high-performance subgraphs and realtime data replication pipelines, making Blast data accessible to developers via hosted API endpoints, or directly within your own infrastructure.

Blast subgraphs deployed to Goldsky can also be replicated directly into internal datastores via Goldsky Mirror, enabling alternative access patterns to the data, and for it to be joined seamlessly with other application/user data.

For instructions on deploying subgraphs to Goldsky, visit Goldsky’s dedicated indexing quickstart page for Blast.