How to deposit to Blast


To deposit ETH to Blast, simply transfer the ETH to the relevant Blast Bridge address on the L1.

After the deposit transaction is mined, the balance will be credited on the L2 as soon as the Blast Sequencer indexes the transaction.


Transfer ETH via the tool of your choice to the following bridge address on Ethereum Mainnet: 0x3a05E5d33d7Ab3864D53aaEc93c8301C1Fa49115.


To depositing Mainnet WETH, STETH, USDC, USDT, DAI, use the bridge UI at

Instructions on how to bridge programmatically will be shared soon.

Other tokens

Blast supports bridging arbitrary tokens in a similar manner to Optimism. Refer to the Optimism docs to learn how to bridge arbitrary tokens.

Instructions on how to bridge programmatically will be shared soon.

Go to to bridge via the UI.

Third-Party Bridges

To ensure the security of your funds and guarantee expected yield and points accumulation, we recommend using the official Blast bridge. However, there several third-party bridges that can be used to bridge assets to Blast.

As long as the bridge used results in the correct assets being credited to your account on Blast, you will receive the same yield and points accumulation as if you had used the official bridge. See documentation on Auto Rebasing for a better understanding of why this is the case.

Before using a third-party bridge to bridge native ETH or yield bearing USD tokens, it is critical that you verify the following:


When bridging native ETH, WETH, or STETH the third-party bridge must credit your account on Blast with native ETH (not a wrapped ERC20 version) in order for you to recieve yield and points.


When bridging supported USD denominated stable coins (USDC, USDT, DAI), the third-party bridge must credit your account on Blast with USDB in order for you to earn yield.

How to withdraw from Blast

Withdrawals from Blast require multiple steps. The process is similar to withdrawing from Optimism. Withdrawals take approximately 7 days to complete. Detailed instructions/code samples will be shared soon. In the meantime, you can use the UI at to withdraw.